The power plant generates 27MW of renewable electricity using locally sourced wood as fuel, which is the equivalent of supplying 50,000 homes and saving over 100,000 tons of CO2 every year. The plant provides heat and power to the Discovery Park, Kent’s leading Science Park, with the excess being exported to the local electricity grid.
Kent Renewable Energy Ltd is majority owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners K/S (CIP), a Danish infrastructure fund which specialises in the development of and investment in, renewable energies. The plant was developed by Estover Energy Ltd. and built by Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) who will also operate and maintain the plant in to the future, both of whom retain ownership shares.
Christina Grumstrup Sørensen, Senior Partner of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, said: “We couldn’t be happier to have formally opened our combined heat and power plant. It has been great to celebrate the day with our customer, Discovery Park and some of their tenants and our Danish partners and investors, together with many of the authorities and organisations whose work with us has been invaluable in bringing our project to fruition.
Christian Grundtvig, Director Generation Services and Project Development with Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor, said: “We have worked very closely with Dover District Council and many other statutory agencies locally. It is a credit to their vision, support and willingness to work together to bring such a positive project to the area, that the plant has been delivered early and within budget. We would also like to thank all local businesses and residents for their support during the construction phase and we look forward to continuing to work with them over the next 25 years.
Cllr. Sue Chandler, Chairman of Dover District Council said ‘We know what great opportunities and skilled people we have in our area and it is wonderful to know this is also recognised at an international level. We are delighted that such high calibre European companies wish to invest in the UK and in our part of Kent in particular. The investment in the renewable energy plant at Discovery Park reinforces their commitment to the local area and we look forward to working with them for many years to come.’